Photography, where do I begin? Well I'm currently enrolled at
OIP&T (Ohio Institute of Photography and Technology) learning everything available that will lead me to the light. I have always been interested in taking pictures and received my first Kodak camera somewhere around the age of ten.
As long as I can remember I have always been the family photographer, it was just something I was destined to do. As a child I was always taking pictures, you see I have three brothers, three sisters and we had three dogs that I can remember so finding a subject to shoot wasn't too difficult. Oh the days of film photography, things definitely were not instant (I mean digital) back then. Submitting the roll of film to the local store for developing sometimes could result in a two or three day wait.
I would sit and wait (not always patiently) to find out if I at least captured the entire body of my subject. Lord please keep my image from the dreaded black hole, you know the monster that would paint a portion of your image black. I know I wasn't the only person whispering those words just before picking up what you prayed would be a good set of prints.
I could go on and on, however the purpose of this blog is to allow you to follow my progress as I continue to chase the light.